Monday, December 14, 2009

Rehashed Reviews Volume X :: Red Scares, the Horrors of Hydrophobia, and Vincent Price -- Action Hero!

Sorry, folks, with the Holidays fast approaching this'll only be a mini-batch of rehashed reviews. And though the selection be small, there's still plenty of tasty treats to choose from. We've got a couple Albert Zugsmith oddities, one where the Cold War turns Red hot, the other an opium-fueled fever dream. Or, if you dare, you can sample a couple of treats concerning the disciples of the Great Cloven One. Chose wisely, my friends. Your soul and Captain Kirk's are riding on your decision!

Invasion USA :: Long before Chuck Norris had a bazookian stand-off with Richard Lynch, Albert Zugsmith invaded and overran the United States with a horde of rabid Commies, who find easy pickings when most Americans seem to be content to sit in a bar and drink and watch the war on TV.

Confessions of an Opium Eater :: Mercenary for hire Vincent Price finds some big trouble in little Chinatown when he's hired to disrupt a yellow-slavery ring. And by the end of the first bizarre reel, you'll probably be confessing to a few bong hits, too.

Incubus :: It's the Shatner versus the devil in the form of a coven of female succubus. But by the end, we're not sure who is really seducing who with the power of Esperanto. Click on over and check out the Captain's *ahem* log.

I Drink Your Blood :: David Durston's PSA on the horrors of Hippies for Satan and Hydrophobia is about [this] close to being an all time gonzoidal cult classic. How close? This close.

And we'll wrap this update up with two more B-Fest recaps as we run-up to B-Fest 2010, A&O Film's Annual 24-Hour B-Movie Marathon. Check out the Agar, Alice and Airline disasters of B-Fest 2004, and then see how The Apple strikes back at B-Fest 2005!

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